Contact us to book your initial 30 minutes free consultation

Welcome to Start Up Services

Basic Wellness & Nutrition Starter

To embark on this transformative journey, we begin with an in-depth analysis of your baseline health. By considering your symptoms, we provide comprehensive insights and recommended next steps to support your healing process.

Our kick-off session serves as a pivotal moment to determine the best program suited for your needs. Every client starts with this initial consultation, where we prioritize your situation and goals:

- We conduct a complete nutritional assessment through a comprehensive symptom and health questionnaire, alongside a careful diet audit and nutrition focused physical exam (done virtually).

- We allocate a 60-90 minutes for a video consultation, review of health history, and to co-create a plan with you for the first recommended steps towards your progress. We understand that change takes time, so we focus on what makes the most sense for you.

- You will receive personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations that you can immediately implement to enhance your symptoms.

-If you would like us to work with your primary healer, please let us in your paperwork and submit a signed Release of Information with contact information to reach your preferred healer.

-You will receive a follow up session of 30-60 minutes by video or phone to assess how you are doing with the program, assist in providing any adjustments needed, or answer any questions, and assess whether you would like further services to assist your healing journey.

**Custom payment plans are available

*Please note that recommended supplement costs are not included in the price.

*These services should not be considered medical services and you should always consult with a licensed medical professional. All services provided are intended to complement medical care and enhance your health and healing journey.

$325.00 consult + 1 follow up
Natural Wellness Way, LLC:
Path to Optimal Health.

Get in Touch

Phone Number

Begin Your Wellness Journey Today!

Are you ready to prioritize your health and embark on a transformative wellness journey? I invite you to reach out to me. Whether you have questions, need more information about my services, or want to schedule a consultation, I am here to help. Simply send me a message using the form below, and I'll get back to you promptly. Take that first step towards unlocking your true potential and achieving holistic wellness. I can't wait to hear from you!