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Welcome to Start Up Services

Basic Wellness Intake & Assessment

To embark on this transformative journey, we begin with an in-depth analysis of your baseline health. By considering your symptoms, we provide comprehensive insights and recommended next steps to support your healing process.

Our kick-off session serves as a pivotal moment to determine the best program suited for your needs. Every client starts with this initial consultation, where we prioritize your situation and goals:

- We conduct a complete nutritional assessment through a comprehensive symptom and health questionnaire, alongside a careful diet audit and nutrition focused physical exam (done virtually).

- We allocate a 60-90 minutes for a video consultation, review of health history, and to co-create a plan with you for the first recommended steps towards your progress. We understand that change takes time, so we focus on what makes the most sense for you.

- You will receive personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations that you can immediately implement to enhance your symptoms.

-If you would like us to work with your primary healer, please let us in your paperwork and submit a signed Release of Information with contact information to reach your preferred healer.

*Custom payment plans are available.
**10% off with purchase of a 3-month membership

***25% off with purchase of a 6-month membership

**Ask about custom discounts for custom packages**

*please do not consider these appointment medical advice, always consult with a medical professional any time you make diet, fitness, supplement or herbal changes to your regular health routine.

$200.00 60-90 Minutes
Natural Wellness Way, LLC:
Ask about payment plans

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Begin Your Wellness Journey Today!

Are you ready to prioritize your health and embark on a transformative wellness journey? I invite you to reach out to me. Whether you have questions, need more information about my services, or want to schedule a consultation, I am here to help. Simply send me a message using the form below, and I'll get back to you promptly. Take that first step towards unlocking your true potential and achieving holistic wellness. I can't wait to hear from you!