Undiagnosed | The Truth About "Normal" Lab Results | Could this be affecting sleep, digestion, and how you age?

Undiagnosed | The Truth About "Normal" Lab Results and Why Understanding What “Normal” Means Matters for Your Health

Have you ever received lab results labeled as "normal" only to have nagging health concerns or chronic issues with illness? You're not alone. Unfortunately, the reality is that the "normal" and "abnormal" labels given to lab results by traditional Western medicine can be misleading. Not only do these labels not consider the individual's unique physiology, but they can also fail to catch warning signs of disease before it's too late. In this blog post, we'll explore what "normal" and "abnormal" lab results mean, who they apply to, and why they matter for your overall health and well-being.

Regarding lab results, "normal" and "abnormal" refer to the values observed in a particular population. Most individuals in this population will fall within this range, known as the "bell curve." As a result, lab results that fall within this range are typically labeled as "normal." But who determines this range, and are these values truly reflective of what's healthy for an individual?

The population used to determine this range may not be representative of the general population or even healthy individuals. For example, a study found that the "normal" range for TSH (a hormone that regulates thyroid function) was too broad and did not accurately detect individuals with thyroid dysfunction. Another study showed that "normal" blood sugar levels may be too high, putting individuals at risk for diabetes and other conditions.

Functional and naturopathic practitioners often use the term "optimal" to describe values that reflect true health and well-being for an individual. This considers everyone’s unique physiology, lifestyle factors, and overall health status. Optimal ranges may be narrower or differ from the traditional "normal" range, but they can provide a more accurate reflection of an individual's health.

Why is this distinction between "normal" and "optimal" important for health and disease? In essence, "normal" lab results may only indicate that an individual is not diseased, but it does not necessarily mean they are healthy. It's possible to have "normal" lab results and still be on the cusp of disease development. By catching warning signs earlier via "optimal" lab ranges, individuals can potentially mitigate the risk of developing chronic illness down the road.

It's also important to note that even if an individual falls within the "normal" range, their risk for disease may still be elevated even if they fall in the middle of that bell curve, and worse if they are on either end. For example, individuals with lab results in the middle of the bell curve of "normal" for cholesterol or blood pressure may still be at a greater risk for heart disease. Additionally, those on the high or low end of the bell curve for "normal" may already be past the point of developing heart disease. Awareness of these markers can enable individuals to take proactive steps to manage their health and mitigate any associated risks before it is too late.

One of the many ways Natural Wellness Way, LLC may be able to assist you is by looking over your lab work, suggesting other areas for testing, and giving you answers about whether your results fall in the "optimal" range. We can help you develop a list of tests to take to your primary healer that will help you better understand what might be happening with your health if the tests you have been given do not adequately address your concerns. This is often the case with thyroid testing. In thyroid testing, the standard panel leaves off some important tests that will determine thyroid function. Instead, you get a picture of how your pituitary gland is functioning, not necessarily your thyroid. Your pituitary gland is important to thyroid function, but it is not the only thing that can affect how your thyroid is functioning.

The simplest way to look at the difference between these two types of testing is what they are measuring. A functional blood chemistry panel measures the function of your body and its organs while a traditional blood panel from a Western facility is looking for pathology. In easier terms, functional medicine looks to see how things are working and aims to make them work the best they possibly can for YOU. Traditional lab testing is simply looking at whether you have a disease or not. And, if you are are seeing high range "normal" lab values, and you may need help with unmanageable symptoms despite the labs showing you are without disease on the bell curve. This is good if you are trying pass your finals (you pass because others did not do so well), but would you have passed if there was no bell curve? Western medicine will then look at what can be prescribed to hold off the disease as long as possible, and make you more comfortable in the meantime. Please don't read this as , "traditional medicine is being neglectful." If you look at the history, foundation, and the way that the medical system was set up, Western medicine serves a valuable purpose. That purpose? To treat acute problems like infections, injuries, accidents. You all know, I love natural medicine. BUT if I am in a car accident and my insides are now on the outside? Please take me to a trauma surgeon and not my naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist, or spiritual healer! While they are very good at what they do, I want a trained surgeon to put what is on the outside BACK into my insides. Likewise, what western medicine is not set up to do is manage, treat, and properly diagnose chronic conditions at the root cause like: heart disease, metabolic issues, autoimmune conditions, and many of the chronic long-term illnesses we are seeing today, as opposed to the acute issues that were primary to medicine in the past. Unfortunately, that results in a lot of prescription pad medicine designed for quick symptom alleviation and not delving in to fixing the root cause of the broken body system that is causing the problem in the first place.
In terms of testing, Western doctors are not trained in some of the mechanisms for functional medicine. I mean could you see your General Family Practitioner sitting down to conduct a 2-hour intake and medical history with you? They simply do not have the time in a system that was set up for acute issues. The system is designed to get quick in and out and most of us are lucky to get 10 whole minutes with our GP. Some tests are not run simply because they are not covered by the person’s medical insurance or are considered expensive, not because they are unnecessary.

The proper tests can help to delve deeper into health markers, encompassing a broader range of parameters and giving a bigger and better picture as to overall health. In the long run, it costs less to treat the root of the problem, than to manage the symptoms. The good news is that some functional or independent labs can offer lower cost testing, but you should be aware that it may still not be paid for by your insurance even if requested by a practitioner; which results in an out-of-pocket expense to you. For those suffering long enough without answers, only to be told, “your results are “normal” there is nothing wrong” -- it may be worth that out-of-pocket expense to get answers. Such an approach empowers individuals to achieve and maintain optimal well-being, leaving them feeling better and not teetering between “dis-ease” and illness and well-being and health. It is a consideration for your finances, but equally, it is a consideration for your quality of life, and later costs that you may incur to treat your condition if you do fall in the parameters of abnormal pathology. You have to remember that there is no guarantee that your insurance will pay for treatments once you do have a diagnosis and then, are you simply rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic in terms of your finances? It becomes a pay now or pay later, and as is the case with most dis-ease, it is always better to tackle it sooner, rather than later.

The next time you receive lab results, remember that "normal" and "abnormal" may not reflect true health and well-being. By working with functional and naturopathic practitioners or having access to "optimal" lab ranges, individuals can better understand their unique physiology and take proactive steps towards better health. It's important to advocate for your health and continue seeking further testing if you suspect something may not be right, even if your lab results fall within the "normal" range. Individuals better understand their overall health and well-being by taking a proactive and personalized approach to health. Give me a call if you need help in delving into your lab results. I may be able to give you a list of tests to take to your primary care provider or order them through our lab facility at a discount. Let's get to the root of your chronic health condition and move you closer to optimal wellness.

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