Natural Ways of Thriving with Chronic Issues - A Functional & Evidence-Based Approach | Natural Wellness Way, LLC

Discover how natural healing from a functional, evidence-based approach can help you thrive with chronic issues. Learn about staying healthy in body and mind through addressing the root cause of disease instead of just medicating symptoms along with lifestyle medicine for long term wellbeing.

Natural Wellness Way, LLC offers a holistic perspective on healing based on the principle of functional medicine. In functional medicine, practitioners investigate the root cause of the illness rather than just treating the symptoms. Instead of introducing synthetic medicine to relieve symptoms, functional medicine uses scientific, evidence-based research to help the body leverage its natural healing abilities, boosting the body's significant biological and physiological prowess with science-backed lifestyle changes like diet, sleep, exercise, and gut health as well as natural remedies like herbal medicine, aromatherapy, meditation and mindfulness practices, and other natural healing methodologies appropriate for what is causing your dis-ease or chronic condition.

To determine the root cause of a dis-ease, a Natural Wellness Practitioner investigates the client's lifestyle, history, injuries, illness, and medical complaints and can order testing to look at things like how your physiology is functioning to nutrient deficiencies that may contribute to the issues you are experiencing. This approach allows for a comprehensive examination of the patient rather than focusing on a set of symptoms. This can happen even if you do not have a primary care practitioner, but it works even better when you include natural healing as part of your overall team. Try to remember that at Natural Wellness Way, I am not a medical doctor and do not provide medical diagnosis or medical services. I am happy to work with your primary healer to address your chronic "dis-ease," whether it is named or not. If I am not the most appropriate person to help you, I am happy to refer you for services to another like-minded practitioner or back to your primary healer.  

Certain chronic issues like gut health, digestion, sleep issues, and aging significantly affect our overall well-being, and these are my area of focus. A holistic, functional approach to these issues is essential for treating them comprehensively. For instance, gut health and digestion are deeply connected to our immune system and overall health. Poor sleep also has significant effects on our emotional and physical well-being and directly impacts whether we age with more health or less health.

The Natural Wellness Way suggests a personalized approach to healing the body and mind. Instead of one-size-fits-all solutions, the team acknowledges that each patient is unique. As a result, the healing approach must be individualized to suit each patient's needs. Not all sets of symptoms should be approached in the same manner because there may be a different cause for the same symptoms. Additionally, not every diagnosis should be treated the same; even with the same diagnosis as someone else, you may have a different root cause, and the method for treating that root cause may differ from someone else with the same diagnosis.  

I recommend the use of mind-body-spirit medicine for long-term well-being. Mind-body-spirit medicine incorporates lifestyle medicine and involves a set of practices that contribute to a healthy life. These practices include, but are not limited to, eating whole foods, exercising, getting good sleep, stress management, avoiding toxins, and, when necessary, using natural supplements or plant-based medicine. 

Thriving with chronic illness can be challenging, but it is possible to overcome when adopting a functional and evidence-based approach to natural healing. The Natural Wellness Way, LLC recommends a comprehensive approach that prioritizes addressing the root cause of the illness rather than merely treating the symptoms. Holistic care that takes into consideration the entire patient is essential for comprehensive care. And as always, lifestyle medicine proves beneficial for long-term well-being. If you or someone you know is dealing with chronic health issues impacting their gut health, sleep, or not feeling as well as they should going into their second act of life, don't hesitate to reach out to Natural Wellness Way, LLC.

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